Saturday, December 08, 2007

Subvert the Dominant [headdesk][headdesk][headdesk]

Important feminist news briefs!!!

Item! Claire Danes is under attack, y'all! Here's what you can do about it.

(Oh, wait: That link doesn't go to anything about Claire Danes. I think it's because I don't give a fuck about celebrities!)

Item! Feminist author needs money to build community! Here's where you can donate.

(Oh, wait: That donations page probably isn't for the author you were expecting it to be for, is it? I think it's because I like the author I linked so much better!)

Item! Magazines perpetuate a lot of sexist stereotypes! Here's where you can write the publishers.

(Oh, wait: That link doesn't go to anything about magazines. I think it's because it's so hugely fucking wrong to incarcerate children! Link via Brownfemipower!)

Item! I miss the Christmas specials of my childhood. I am immature and being silly now. I think it's because I've been banging my head against the desk a lot!

(Stupid desk!)


the bewilderness said...

Hat, coat, muffler, boots, and cane, but pardon me for noticing, that puppet has no drawers on.

ilyka said...

that puppet has no drawers on

My theory is that perhaps the Snow Miser suffered an accident during puberty, because, well, as the song says:

Whatever I touch
Turns to snow in my clutch

And thus he has no need for drawers.

Chris Clarke said...

Thank you for the link to my book funding page, and I promise to you that I will entitle my Joshua tree book "Full Frontier Floraism" and that the cover will feature a naked torso that I will claim is mine.

And if you're not interested in books about desert trees then it's not FOR you..

Sylvia/M said...

Chris, how did you forget the trees in the forests around MY home?!

I refuse to support this project! Oppression! Botanism! (Blog hits! Fame!)

Anonymous said...

But poor Claire Danes! A newspaper reporter stalked her for a week! Aren't you worried about the super-rich? What about their problems?

Chris Clarke said...

*heavy dramatic sigh*

I was wondering what the tree-killing narrative was going to be.

Theriomorph said...

Hey, woman, good to see you. Missed you.

And Chris, obviously, it's going to have to be:

"A Full-Frontal Tree of Staggering Heartbreak."

No, wait.

"A Heartbreaking Frontal of Blatant Hypocrisy."

"A Joy Killing Narrative Of Full Frontal Arboretism?"

You're just jealous of Ilyka's blog. That's what this is really about.

Chris Clarke said...



ilyka said...

A Joy Killing Narrative Of Full Frontal Arboretism


Aren't you worried about the super-rich? What about their problems?

Wolfa, thank you. Thank you for calling me on my classism! I'll never work past it without confrontations like these.

Personal growth is hard!

the bewilderness said...

BTW, I like that author you linked better too.

Silly of me not to see the obvious frosty fist/drawers connection.

Anonymous said...

"*heavy dramatic sigh*

I was wondering what the tree-killing narrative was going to be."

This post, and all the comments, and especially the above...goddamn you people make me laugh.