La noticia completa tiene solo dos párrafos más, que he preferido no traducir porque tampoco dicen nada nuevo. Id allí y buscad la palabra terrorista, veréis como no aparece. Ni atentado. Ni siquiera la bomba era tal cosa: era un dispositivo capaz de causar lesiones o la muerte. ¡Qué cosa tan inofensiva! ¡Seguro que lo han hecho sin querer!
En fin. Imaginaros que, en lugar de ser ese mismo dispositivo puesto por un grupo pro-vida en una clínica abortiva, lo hubiera sido por un grupo pro-Alá en un colegio o en un hospital.
Very, very, VERY roughly en inglés:
The complete [Houston Chronicle] article has only 2 more paragraphs, which I have declined to reproduce as they don't add anything new either. If you go and you look for the word "terrorist," you will see it doesn't appear. Nor "attack." Not even the bomb is such a thing; it is "a device capable of causing injury or death." What an inoffensive thing! Surely it was made without that intent!
In conclusion: Imagine that, instead of the same device being put by a pro-life group in an abortion clinic, it had been put by a fundamentalist Muslim group in a school or a hospital. Yes, surely the narration of the event would have been very different.
What's the Spanish for "heh indeed?"
Into the Bloglines you go, Mentiras Piadosas, y gracias.
In the name of my patners of blog, thx for make a reference to us.
Excuse my bad English. ;)
It is the first time we are quoted in a non-Spanish blog.
Thank you, Ilyka Damen, for your effort to read and translate my post.
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