Because I was never that fond of the show; even as a little kid, I found it preachy and hamfisted. But apparently, if you don't remind white people at least once a week not to be Archie Bunker, this is what they get up to:
Caption reads: "Bringing home the runaway slave in the Senior skit"
From CBS47 TV:
Leaders at Riverdale Christian Academy are accused of racism after a themed graduation party on Friday, June 1st.
The theme was southern plantations during the Civil War. Students and staff dressed up in period costumes for the event.
Controversy arose when some school employees dressed up as slaves and wore black make-up on their faces, arms and legs.
. . .
Douglas Spencer, Principal, Riverdale Christian Academy said "The point of the skit it to roast the graduates and poke a little fun at their mannerism and different things like that."
Oh, okay--things like THAT. I thought he meant things like this.
Via Blackamazon, who has actually written about much more than just the above, and who has a good question: "is it a stretch for me to notice that unless it can be used against her a WOC physicality or sexuality never comes up?"
the comment thread over there is particularly headdesky.
Yes, I just checked that out myself and [bonk] [bonk] [bonk] . . . .
"The theme was southern plantations during the Civil War."
Yeah, great idea, Riverdale. Nooooo racist themes there.
Comment thread stole precious minutes of my life.
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