Thursday, February 01, 2007

You Aren't Meant to Drink It

Helen has been KILLING me this week. I basically had to stop in the middle of reading this, just to link it before I could forget to.

I have not consulted Genni yet on this blog's official position on the subject, but for my part it is somewhere in the neighborhood of fervent agreement. One's not bad; the other is horrible.

I eagerly await speculation on the influence Helen's topic has had on my political thinking from the usual knobs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn, I haven't been nauseated this early in the morning since I was preggers with the small child. As a firmly type-A personality, I believe in, well, finishing the job. HOWEVER, the other, that other idea, that, Lordy, that's some awful right there. It's not even something I want to see out of context, or even in context like most of the movies do it, I have to cover my eyes and take deep breaths. Don't make me look at that! Thanks, Ilyka and Helen, for the mental image I'll be suffering with today.